




Nora Milton believes her calling is to help lessen the suffering in a world filled with pain. While chasing that calling, she goes to Mexico to help finish the construction of an orphanage in Mexico and meets mission pilot Anthony Goldberg. A spark is kindled between them but it's cut short when Nora finds herself kidnapped at gunpoint.

Desperate to save the woman his heart longs for, Anthony sets out on a search for Nora on his own. All too quickly he learns just how perilous leaving the compound can be and finds himself entrenched in the dangerous drug trade.

After losing his sister from drugs, Greg Nelson is on a mission. Every thought, heartbeat, his every breath, is focused on clearing the streets of the vile substance. While hot on the heels of a known drug lord, he discovers a woman being held against her will. He doesn't know who she is or where she's from, but he knows she needs his help. Finding this woman could redeem himself from losing his sister forever. But first, he has to find her.

Putting a team together, Greg storms the drug lord's compound but is dismayed when the young woman he hoped to save is nowhere to be seen. But he does find her friend, Anthony Goldburg.

Together, can Greg and Anthony find Nora before she's lost forever?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 300 Pages
  • File Size: 11,256 KB

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