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D-Day: Time Patrol


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'Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.' Winston Churchill

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Area 51, Nightstalker and Green Beret series.

6 June 1944.: Behind the beaches of Normandy an OSS agent and the Resistance must destroy a bridge to insure the last 'good war' ends the way history records. Someone wants that bridge to stay intact.

6 June 478 B.C.: Pythagoras is murdered in the entrance of the Oracle of Delphi's cave. Who did it and why?

6 June 452.:In the great hall Heoret the very real Beowulf battles Grendel, proving reality is more dangerous than poetry.

6 June 1843: At West Point, a middling cadet, small in stature, named Ulysses S. Grant is trying to survive and graduate. Someone wants to prevent that.

6 June 1998.: A secret nuclear weapons depot in Pakistan, where the saber rattling of nuclear tests is getting ready to escalate into Armageddon; a war to end all wars.

6 June ????: And, strangest of all, thousands of years into pre-history, to the day Art is born.

While history doesn't record the heroics by the ordinary, there are those who do notice. And there are those who want to stop those ordinary people and change our history in order to create a time tsunami and wipe our present out of existence.

It is up to the Time Patrol to make sure that doesn't happen!

Reviews for Bob Mayer's science fiction:
"Quantum Leap on steroids!" Book List.
Terry Brooks: "Spell-binding! Will keep you on the edge of your seat. Call it techno-thriller, call it science fiction, call it just terrific story-telling."
Kirkus "A crackling science thriller in the vein of Crichton that mixes action with science fiction."
Publishers Weekly: "The best combination of science fiction and technothriller this year."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 229 Pages
  • File Size: 3,083 KB

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