




**Three Romance Bonus Books + FREE Bonus Gift Included!**

Tara lives a normal yet boring life as a secretary in one of New York's top advertising firms. Mr. White is a terrible human being and an even worse boss, pushing Tara practically to her breaking point. Tara is far too timid and introverted to ever stick up for herself, to her boss or to anyone else and falls victim to an endless cycle of use and abuse at the hands of her coworkers. She dreams of a day where she can advance forward in her career and show each and everyone one of them that they were wrong about her.
Tara's only pleasure is derived from her obsessive hobby of reading comic books and watching vampire flicks on DVD. In her imagination, Tara can be someone important, someone with power but in her real life she is still a nobody. Until one fateful day Tara discovers that her imaginary world may not be so very imaginary at all. That all of her secret fantasies and desires are true and real. Will Tara finally grow the nerve to go after what she really wants in life? Or will she wind up living out the rest of her days as a walking, breathing doormat?

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: March 27, 2016
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • File Size: 5,053 KB

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