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UFOs and Aliens: Exceptional Cases of Alien Contact


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Discover Extraordinary Stories Of ET Encounters!

(New Edition 2019!)

There are certain phenomena that seem to escape reason. Sometimes, all the puzzle pieces cannot be put together so easily. Such is the case with strange enigmas like the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Bermuda Triangle, and the existence and visitation of highly intelligent beings other than ourselves. The last mentioned is probably one of the most captivating mysteries of our time.

Many of us are fascinated with the idea of extraterrestrial intelligence. The existence of highly-evolved beings elsewhere in the universe is commonly thought of as probable. If any of them have visited our planet, however, is much more debated.

Still, people from all over the world have come forward with intriguing stories of alien contact -- stories which seem to suggest that this may actually be the case.

While most of these accounts are compelling by their very nature, a few of them stand out as particularly awe-inspiring. Some of these exceptional, real-life cases are detailed in this book.

In This Book You Will Learn About:

• A close encounter with three plant-like beings, said to be from the Sirius star system

• A stunning appearance of several UFOs and alien beings, including a nearby landing, witnessed by as many as sixty-three school children

• How a group of friends were abducted during a fishing trip and had their memories wiped

• A UFO's strange and horrifying attack on an Australian family

• How a joyous gathering at a farmhouse became interrupted by the arrival of a dozen or so bizarre looking creatures

• A man's intimate encounter with two naked female humanoids of unknown origin

And much more!

Download now and learn about 13 extraordinary encounters with alien intelligence!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 119 Pages
  • File Size: 3,652 KB

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