



Satisfy cravings while getting all the healthy nutrients you need - and without spending hours in the kitchen!
This age-old, time saving, gourmet way of cooking has bettered the lives of millions of people for hundreds of years. And in the fast-paced modern world of today, there's no better time to pick up pressure cooking. With a plethora of all the pressure cooker recipes you'll ever need, you'll maximize the benefits pressure cooking has to offer. After a busy day at work, you'll no longer need to resort to boxed or canned food for dinner. Now, preparing meals is as easy as throwing some ingredients into a pressure cooker and letting the magic happen. With a tightly-sealed lid that allows water temperature to rise at lightning fast speeds, there is no flavor or nutrients lost during the cooking process. The result? Veggies that are surprisingly smooth and creamy. Meat that's fall-off-the-bone tender. Soups and stews that are savory and filling. Desserts that are sweet and scrumptious. And all the nutrients you and your family will ever need to live a healthy, active lifestyle. Throughout the 310 recipes you will find:

• Sweet Potato Jackfruit Enchiladas

• Cheesy Broccoli Soup

• French-Baked Eggs with Smoked Salmon

• Stuffed Acorn Squash

• Maple-Brandy Short Ribs

• Cool and Refreshing Key Lime Pie

• Molten Lava Cake

• And so much more!

If you want to keep you and your family healthy while you juggle your career and lifestyle, pressure cooking will change your life. Say goodbye to the pizza delivery guy and hello to a revamped lifestyle of health and happiness.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 724 Pages
  • File Size: 9,864 KB

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