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Do you want to have sweet, loving romance in your life? Do you want to achieve your romantic and other goals?

Do you want to fix a broken romance?

Do you want to start a new romance successfully?

I hope you are inspired by this short, sweet, spiritual story.

You can also read this in my book Romantic Short Stories.

Love and romance in the serene and beautiful mountains. Jack and Rebecca are up in the beautiful mountains, to take time out to talk about their future dreams of a life together.

An unexpected storm comes up out of nowhere. How will they weather this storm and life's storms to follow?

This short story is about love, romance, hope and dreams of a future life together. A story about building relationships.

"A very direct and clear path book and it's a story that if it could be told into a movie, then it would be something else. Great writing and strong characters... " Hall of Fame Reviewer

"I think this story is one of those stories that should be read again and again. It is an inspiration for those who are in a relationship or for those who envision to get in one."

"Thank you Terry, for transporting me into the mountains to share the adventure experienced by Becky and Jack. It was entertaining, and left me feeling warm & fuzzy and uplifted."

"... it left me feeling warm and nice, and I think that's what matters."

Enjoy your trip up the mountains with Jack and Rebecca.

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  • We started tracking this book on May 19, 2016.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 31 Pages
  • File Size: 4,734 KB

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