



A powerful love story set in the class-conscious Tsarist Russia of the early 19th century. It embraces every level of that society - serf, provincial, aristocrat - in verse which is by turns beautiful, witty, wickedly perceptive and always readable.

It traces the lives of two young people from childhood to maturity. Yevgeny, the fashionably disillusioned young man who knows everything about love except the most important thing; Tatiana, whose only experience of love comes from romantic novels but who knows how to love till the end.

This is essential reading for anyone with a love of Russian literature, because this is where it all began. There is little pre-history to that golden age of 19th century novels. Lomonosov, a fisherman's son turned scholar, took church Slavonic, peasant Russian, mixed in a few 'Loan translations' and gave a French-speaking aristocracy a literary language; Pushkin was the first truly great poet to use it; Eugene Onegin is his greatest work.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 200 Pages
  • File Size: 1,598 KB

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