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The Helliconia Trilogy: Helliconia Spring, Helliconia Summer, and Helliconia Winter

by (Open Road Media Sci-Fi & Fantasy)

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From a Science Fiction Grand Master: The sweeping epic of a planet veering from one extreme atmosphere to another -- and the humans trying to survive on it.

Helliconia Spring introduces us to a tumultuous world that follows an eccentric orbit around a double-star system -- and the satellite from Earth secretly monitoring it. Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author Brian W. Aldiss then explores the social and religious divisions keeping the planet's population in conflict even as they're devastated by plague in Helliconia Summer, and concludes the trilogy with Helliconia Winter, which recounts both the threat of a looming, frigid age of decay and the hope of a new future.

The Helliconia Trilogy is both a riveting story and a thought-provoking examination of how our destinies are shaped by the environment around us. Aldiss's study of fields from astronomy to climatology to geobiology endow all three novels with rich details of the planet Helliconia.

This riveting, century-spanning saga is a timely exploration of what climate change can mean for our own planet. "Brian Aldiss's towering imagination places his Helliconia Trilogy far above standard science fiction" (Daily Mail).

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 25, 2016
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 1,638 Pages
  • File Size: 5,684 KB

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