



"Some of the best reading I have done. it was very hard to put [Hail to the Queen] down. Great characters and their stories keep getting better. Excellent!"

"Crisp writing, lovable/despicable characters developed enough to truly care about, and plot twists to keep fast readers returning to past chapters to re-read are typical of author Julius St. Clair. "The Last of the Sages" begins a story worth following through every page of each new book."

The Sages have been scattered and the mission has been thrown to the wayside.

Alone in a foreign land, James and Princess Catherine must fight for their survival and love against hostile forces rivaling the power of gods. The King of Zen-echelon has arrived, and with him is a plot to bring a dark age so unimaginable, even the Sages' enemies begin to seek their assistance.

Powerful beyond belief, it appears that no one can topple the King on their own, and it soon becomes apparent that it will take nothing less than a leader and a Queen, to unite them all against their common foe...

The Sage Saga continues in this riveting fantasy series known for its coming of age themes.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 352 Pages

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