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My own magic might kill me.

One winter long ago, I watched my mother -- a kitsune, or Japanese fox-spirit -- leave me in the snow for the dogs.

But that's a memory buried beneath eleven years, and I've lived in America since then. I have my family, who adopted me, and my girlfriend, Gwen.

Now I'm back in Japan. My grandparents invited us to spend New Year's with them in Tokyo. I pretend to be happy for Gwen, but I can't shake the nightmares.

A faceless ghost haunts me, warning me that she is coming.

A gang of dog-spirits wants me dead. I'm the spitting image of their enemy, a kitsune named Yukimi.

Is Yukimi my birth mother who abandoned me? I never knew her true name, the key to a kitsune's magic. I don't even know my own true name.

And soon my magic threatens to kill me, tearing apart my half-human body.

I need to find the truth before it's too late.

Praise for Foxfire:

"The kitsune legend has never looked so good. Tavian is one sexy fox." - Julie Kagawa, New York Times bestselling author of The Iron King and Shadow of the Fox.

"An enjoyable, mystical coming-of-age, complete with quick getaways, motorcycle chases and no distraction from the already-established, comfortable romance." - Kirkus Reviews

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  • We started tracking this book on January 3, 2017.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 269 Pages

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