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Mastering the Job Interview


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Are you serious about improving your job prospects and are you willing to make the commitment necessary to growing your career by getting better at interviewing?

Mastering the Job Interview is the comprehensive resource you need to cover every step of the interviewing process. The interview is your opportunity to prove to the company that you should be given a chance and you cannot just wing it. By learning the right techniques to succeed in a job interview, you will stand out and increase your chances for getting the job.

Prepare yourself to answer any interview question, in-person or over the phone, with a response that makes the reason the company should hire you clear. Not only will you have an answer prepared for interview questions before they are even asked, you will also truly understand why they are being asked and how to answer them best.

When will the next steps in the interview happen? How can you negotiate the highest possible offer? In this book, you'll gain the skills, the tactics, and the confidence you need to follow up with confidence and negotiate a higher paycheck.

Interviewing for a job is a high stakes game. You need to learn how to play the game, and play to win.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 320 Pages
  • File Size: 1,127 KB

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