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Last Christmas (Year of the Zombie Book 12)

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The Office Christmas Party can be a nightmare at the best of times but when it coincides with the end of the world, things get even messier.

For mild-mannered security guard Howard Stanton, this was meant to be an easy shift. A chance to keep his head down and watch Die Hard movies while the rest of the staff get wasted. But then the zombie apocalypse happened and people expected him to do something about it. Was that even in his job description?

It's going to be a long drink- and drug-fuelled night. The world's going to hell and it's down to Howard to hold it all together. He's in charge tonight, and if he screws up, it'll be everyone's last Christmas.

"Who'd have thought it? Comedy horror from us two miserable sods!" --Wayne Simmons, author of Plastic Jesus and Flu

"Wayne, do you think we've gone too far?" --David Moody, author of Autumn and Hater

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 91 Pages
  • File Size: 1,196 KB

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