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The Traveler (Lost Empire Book 1)


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WHAT IF YOU COULD TRAVEL TO ANOTHER WORLD IN YOUR DREAMS?In the modern nation-state of Riyen, few people dream anymore, and those who do are prescribed medication. But when Anissa Robson begins to dream of a strange jungle after the death of her mother, she neglects to report it. Feeling lost and alone in the waking world, she embraces her new dream world, until reality begins to cross over. When Anissa stumbles upon evidence that her own government has known about Angapo for years, she uncovers a conspiracy that will change her life forever. "Trading traditional magic for a fantastical version of science, The Traveler makes it easy to suspend your disbelief and sink into an engaging story. Hidden just under the surface are powerful themes that will resonate with any, but especially with lovers of speculative fiction who find themselves thirsting to explore new worlds as well as the deeper places in themselves."-J.E. Purrazzi, author of the Malfunction Trilogy

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 399 Pages
  • File Size: 2,367 KB

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