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Although part of the Chicago Syndicate world, Black Hat Hacker is a complete standalone and can be enjoyed either with or without reading the rest of the series.

You don't know me.

But that's only because I don't want you to.

I have the most lucrative job in the country as a hacker in the notorious underworld. I've built entire systems and destroyed evidence for career advancement while stealing and exploiting data for personal gain.

I'm the black hat hacker for the Chicago Syndicate and hold all the dirty secrets of the most powerful men in the U.S. in the palm of my hands, just a keystroke away from mass ruination.

However, no one knows my dirty secret, a decision from my past that's just aching to blow up in my face and shatter my future. Especially when a certain wavy haired brunette begins to demand my attention with her odd ways and her carefree attitude.

She's a woman who makes me go against everything I've ever believed.
A woman whom I'm forbidden from having my usual one-night stand with, even if she was available.
A woman whom I have to keep from getting herself killed, whether she likes it or not.

You don't know me, but neither does she... yet.

A standalone novel from the Chicago Syndicate world.

Chicago Syndicate series #1 Organized Crime 2014-2021.
A contemporary romantic suspense.
A mafia dark romance book.
Secret/Forbidden Love Dark Romance.

Novel Grounds Semi Annual Literary Awards 2014 winner of Best Breakout Novel: For Fallon (Chicago Syndicate, #1).

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: March 28, 2017
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 364 Pages
  • File Size: 2,011 KB

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