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(Author's Note: This is a work of erotic fiction that deals explicitly with sex and sexual topics. It is meant for adult readers only.)

This is the first part of the 10-part first book of the 5-book Female, Recreational series. The complete first book, Female, Recreational, with all 10 parts, may be found at

"We're here to collect," Mr. Alvarez told Mother when she opened the door a crack.

Hannah, buttoning her shirt, shuffling into a sweater she wore for modesty whenever strangers visited, even in summer, withdrew to the far wall to watch, not particularly alarmed. The sound of banging fists had become a theme of late, and Mother seemed always to know what to say to make them go away, speaking softly and calmly of hope and short-term plans to make everything right.

Not today, though. This time, they had the law with them, a tall sheriff's deputy with an impressive hat who told Mother she had to let them in by court order.

Mother paused only long enough to compose herself. Tall and willowy, like Hannah, she bent herself, making an arc of her legs, her spine, her neck, like a bow being drawn tight.

Then she straightened and complied, turning to smile reassuringly at Hannah, clearly not understanding what was about to happen.

The men entered, their bodies moving slowly but their eyes darting as they sized up the meager possession of another failing household.

One of them, stepping around the thin mat on the floor where Hannah slept, noticed the girl, standing in the corner.
"Who are you?"


"She's my daughter," Mother said.

"How old are you?"


"Do you have sole possession of her?" one of the men asked Mother.

Mother hesitated, not sure perhaps what the question meant. "Yes," she said at last. "I'm divorced. And her father's disowned her."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 45 Pages
  • File Size: 702 KB

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