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Whisper: How to Hear the Voice of God

by (Multnomah)

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PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER ? The question isn't whether God speaks. The question is what does He have to say to you? The New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker teaches readers how to listen to God.


The voice that spoke the cosmos into existence is the same voice that parted the Red Sea, and made the sun stand still in the midday sky. One day, this voice will make all things new, but it's also speaking to you now!

That voice is God's voice, and what we've learned from Scripture is that He often speaks in a whisper. Not to make it difficult to hear Him, but to draw us close.

Many people have a tough time believing God still speaks. Sure, in ancient times and in mysterious ways, God spoke to His people, but is He still speaking now?

Mark Batterson certainly believes so. And he wants to introduce you to the seven love languages of God; each of them unique and entirely divine. Some of them you might suspect but others will surprise you.

By learning to tune in to and decipher each language, you'll be able to hear His guidance in simple as well as life-altering choices. God is actively speaking through: Scripture, Desires, Doors, Dreams, People, Promptings, and Pain. Batterson gives you the tools you need to unlock each of these languages.

God's whisper can answer your most burning questions, calm your deepest fears, and fulfill your loftiest dreams.

Discover how simple it is to hear God's voice in every aspect of your life!

He's speaking, make sure you know how to listen!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 24, 2017
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 222 Pages
  • File Size: 10,057 KB

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