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With the right knowledge, you can build muscle and burn fat with quick workouts. There are two weight training methods that are outstanding for helping you to achieve this. The methods are referred to as high intensity training and high density training. High intensity training enables you to train hard enough to quickly stimulate muscle growth within a small amount of sets. High density training enables you to do a lot work in a short amount of time. The result is that a lot of calories are burned over the course of a short workout. When combined together properly, high intensity training and high density training create the perfect conditions for strength gains and fat loss. Hours of weekly training are not necessary. You can build muscle and burn fat with 15 minute workouts.
One crucial component that is factored into the workouts is to train with the right level of effort. If you don't train hard enough, you will experience little improvement in your physical condition. On the other hand, high intensity training can be taken too far and become a nauseating form of training. This type of training can eventually cause burnout and even prevent progress rather than to advance it. How do you avoid this? By modifying high intensity training until it becomes optimum intensity training. Optimum intensity training will enable you to workout hard enough to make progress while avoiding workouts that are so hard that you are left drained and over-trained.
One of the reasons why it is so important to train with the right amount intensity is that it allows you to maintain a rapid pace through a whole workout without killing yourself. A rapid workout pace is essential as it allows you to do enough work to build muscle and burn fat in a short amount of time. When you use the biggest muscles that burn the most calories, and combine this with a rapid workout pace that is done at the right level of intensity, muscles grow and fat disappears. This is exactly what is accomplished by performing the workouts provided in Quick Workouts for Quick Muscles. The book will help you do this by including the following details:
Specific exercises to perform for your workouts with photos and instructions for how to do them.
The precise amount of sets and reps to do for each exercise.
How to know exactly how hard to push yourself for optimum results.
The perfect workout pace for a high quality 15 minute workout
The purpose of this book is to provide the knowledge for how perform quick workouts that build muscle fast while melting away unwanted fat. By reading the simple instructions in this book, you will be able to take the necessary steps for improving your body in a minimum amount of time.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 6, 2017
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 76 Pages
  • File Size: 4,039 KB

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