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Three installments of the New York Times-bestselling series set in a land of enchantment filled with magic, surprises, adventure, and -- best of all -- puns!

The world of Xanth is a wacky one full of offbeat heroes and surprising journeys. In these three volumes of this hilarious series, characters bumble their way through many misadventures to find their happy ending on the other side, aided and hindered by puns along the way.

Board Stiff: Thanks to a mental typo and an ornery wishing well the once beautiful Irrelevant Kandy is now a board of wood -- with mind control powers. And Ease wishes everything wasn't so easy. Fortunately, Humfrey the Good Magician is there to provide them with a quest: saving the puns of Xanth. But who released a virus that could destroy Xanth's essence, and will Kandy and Ease figure out how to stop it in time?

Five Portraits: Astrid Basilisk is a sweet girl whose very glance is deadly. As she embarks on a selfless mission to save five difficult children from future Xanth, she must fight the pun virus that threatens to destroy the magical world.

Isis Orb: Hapless has the ability to conjure any musical instrument he wants, but he can't carry a tune in a bucket. All he wants is to learn to play an instrument and get a girlfriend. When the Good Magician hears about his desperate desire, he sends Hapless on a quest to find the elusive Isis Orb, a magical talisman that could fulfill his wish. But the mysterious Egyptian goddess guarding it isn't going to let him simply take it.

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  • We started tracking this book on May 27, 2017.
  • This book was $24.99 when we started tracking it.
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  • This book has been $2.99 20 times since we started tracking it.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 1,052 Pages
  • File Size: 11,298 KB

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