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Some people would kill for coffee...

Olivia Rickard would kill to keep everything just the way it is. She's got a gorgeous boyfriend who loves her, a supportive sister to lean on, and a dog walking business that's briskly barking away. But just as she's getting comfortable her sister suddenly wants to buy an entire brownstone with her and her boyfriend looks like he's going to pop the question at every opportunity. Changing the status quo has always been disastrous for Olivia and now everything is changing at once...

What Olivia needs is a distraction and she's found one in stumbling upon Yvette Dunn dead in her coffee foodtruck -- drowned in a vat of fresh coffee. Olivia starts out as an unlucky bystander to the crime, but she's forced to dig in deeper when it looks like her sister could be involved in Yvette's death.

Olivia is running out of time in regards to the mystery, the mortgage, and the marriage. She's going to have to solve all three problems -- and quick -- or face a future most foul.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 199 Pages
  • File Size: 2,615 KB

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