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American cooking at its best! Prepare a truly American meal with iconic dishes from the 50 states of America and discover the quintessence of American food traditions and culture.

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A great-tasting dish, be it a slice of pie or a meal, is something you tell your friends and family about. It is something you want to share so that others can experience the delicious flavors. This is what American regional cooking - and ultimately, this cookbook - is truly about. Each recipe in this collection of the most iconic dishes from each of the 50 United States reflects the unique regional food cultures that exist across America. These are traditional dishes that have been passed down for generations so that we can taste their incredible flavors today. It is what is served at the family table, in local restaurants, and at holiday get-togethers.

Perhaps most important, these dishes are what locals are proud to serve visitors to their region, giving them an experience to remember when they return home. Let this collection of recipes serve as a guide for your culinary journey to each state. It will show you the way each state traditionally prepares, cooks, and serves its iconic dish. With the rich history and culture reflected in each state's official dish, you will discover new variations, methods, and flavors in this tasty, filling, and delicious journey across America.

Inside, you'll find recipes such as:

• Fried Green Tomatoes

• King Salmon Bake

• New Haven Steamed White Clam Pizza

• Ahi Poke

• ey Lime Pie

• Finger Steak

• Breaded Pork Tenderloin Sandwich

• Lobster Rolls

• Huckleberry Pie

• Prime Rib Dinner

• And much more!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 159 Pages
  • File Size: 11,526 KB

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