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The House of Trysts


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Open the door to lust lies and love.

Laura Manning, a woman in her late thirties, is living an unremarkable life in an English village. One day she rescues an elderly lady after she has been knocked over by her English bull dog outside her townhouse in London. This meeting catapults Laura into a secret world of trysts and entanglements.

Her marriage to David, an engineer, is on the rocks. She works as an interior designer for her husband's renovation company and is struggling with a mid-life crisis. Her one daughter Juliet aged 16 is away at boarding school. Laura is lonely and is longing for a change of circumstance.

On the surface it appears that Lady Pamela Spencer-Brown is very refined with impeccable breeding but underneath the elderly lady is running an illegal brothel. She employs a Jamaican housekeeper Tanice with literary aspirations and three 'girls' - Pandora, the Dominatrix, Nefertiti the Indian dancer and Cherry Blossom whose services include a special tea ceremony.

The merry widow leads Laura into a dangerous world, away from her mundane and sexless situation into the realms of the dark side from which she emerges a new woman.

The House of Trysts is not only about lust lies and love, it's about food! The recipes at the back of the book reflect a somewhat fractious relationship between Lady Pamela Spencer-Brown and her housekeeper Tanice.
But the recipes are tried and true. Try them and enjoy!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: May 23, 2017
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 455 Pages
  • File Size: 729 KB

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