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Jakkyl Raid (Island Survival Book 1)

by (Crenel Books)

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Caitlyn loved the beach when she was young. Those days are gone. The world she remembers from those days is also gone. Now when she scours the beach with her family, she's not looking for pretty shells or interesting saltwater creatures. Now she's looking for anything that can help keep her family alive.

In the mad scramble for survival, not everyone peacefully collects debris washed up on the beaches. Caitlyn and her family know they're at constant risk from the Jakkyls, a gang that roams the island, taking whatever its members want. The best way to stay safe from the Jakkyls is to avoid being noticed by them.

Caitlyn knows that if she is noticed, her best bet for survival is being with her family and being ready to meet violence with violence. Getting caught alone is a recipe for death, or worse.

But when she stops on the beach to retrieve a length of good rope that is tangled in driftwood, her family doesn't notice that they are leaving her behind. She finds herself separated... and the Jakkyls are nearby.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 30, 2017
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 104 Pages
  • File Size: 3,534 KB

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