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It's business as usual on the Flying Dragon. Their mission is to find a flag for the ship. Captain No Beard sighs, "Being a captain is hard work," as he watches the busy crew preparing the vessel for their next adventure.

Polly is giving out pretzels; Linus is polishing a lamp. Matie is cracking coconuts, Cayla is stuffing holes, and Hallie is swabbing the deck. High overhead, trouble is brewing, and it is not the weather.

Mongo does not want any help from the newest crew member, and it is creating a hurricane of a mess on board.

The team must come together and find a task that will fit Zachary without interfering with their own fun. On the way, they acquire a flag that will unite them as both friends and crew.

Join the problem-solving crew of the Flying Dragon as they find a flag for their ship and a job for Zach.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 47 Pages

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