



When my precious wife, Kay, died 30 years ago I took a leave of absence from my pastorate and went home to Greenback, Tennessee. About two weeks after Kay's death, I went back to the little bridge where we were married in Maryville, Tennessee. I went there in a desperate attempt to try to figure out how I was going to find the will to go on living without her.
I stood on the bridge and thought about our wedding day and all the good times we had shared during our seven years together. I also tried to figure out what I might have done differently, or better, that may have allowed me to save her (questions I've asked myself a million times and counting). Somewhere, in the midst all my musings, I thought about all the water that must have passed by there in the last seven years since we were married; literally, water under the bridge. It occurred to me that the creek was going to keep flowing to the distant sea, and life was going to go on, with or without me. That realization just mad me sadder and madder. I cussed, cried, and stomped across that little bridge into the nearby woods, and the folks who were walking on the trails in the park eyed me warily and hurried past. I can't say I blame them. I must have looked like a lunatic.
I stood there as the sun was setting, and came to the conclusion that I had two choices: I could stand there in the woods and wallow in my pain and sadness till my time on earth was done (or someone called the cops), or I could walk across that little bridge and go back into the world with the purpose of trying to live my life in such a way that it would be a blessing to my sons, my loved ones, and everyone I would meet in the future.
I walked across the bridge that night, and I've never stopped building and crossing bridges that I felt would lead me to a better tomorrow.
Now I want to use my experiences, and the experiences of others I know, to inspire people around the world to build bridges of opportunity that will allow them to live lives that will lead to a better tomorrow for themselves and the ones they love.
That's the purpose of "The Building Bridges to Tomorrow Inspirational Series." Each book will offer practical advice and tips on how to cope with the ups and downs of life related to a specific topic.
The first book in the series is entitled, "When a Loved One Dies: A Journey Through the Octaves of Grief." If you or a loved one is dealing with an impending or recent death this is a must-read. You will be inspired and comforted as we journey through the grieving process together.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 87 Pages
  • File Size: 652 KB

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