



Joan of Arc

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No historical figure's life story offers a more intriguing and insightful look at a specific moment in French, and European, history than that of Joan of Arc. Over the course of a biography that sadly lasts just nineteen years, Joan of Arc completely altered the course of the Hundred Year's War. Acting on the counsel of divine voices, Joan left her small village behind, swapped her peasant dress for a suit of armor, and transformed herself into a revered military leader. From her first miracle, freeing the besieged city of Orléans, to her finest moment, leading King Charles VII to Reims for his coronation, the Maid of Orléans stunned the world with her courage, her goodness, and her faith.

Inside you will read about...
A Peasant Girl
The Voices in Joan's Head
The Virgin and the Dauphin
Joan Joins the Battle
The Inevitable Fall
A Prisoner of War
The Savior of France Meets Her End at the Stake
And much more!

Ultimately, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake for her insistence that she received counsel from God but what she achieved as a result of this guidance is a truly incredible story.

Series Information: Biographies of Women in History Book 3

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 55 Pages
  • File Size: 2,486 KB

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