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Fans of Minded and Blossomed will enjoy seeing one of Louis's early solo Interventions in this wacky and sweet new tale from the afterlife.

When deceased firefighter Tommy Quintana wakes up in a gymnasium and is told he suffers from Death Denial Syndrome, he knows the one thing he must do in order to move on: mind his wife, Kimberly. Assigned to work with Intervention Specialist Louis Sheffield, he soon learns that he has much more to make up for than he thought as his widow is literally dying of a broken heart. With the help of a 1980s-era punk rocker, a gargoyle, and an alley cat, Tommy will attempt a friggin' Christmas miracle to save her.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 128 Pages
  • File Size: 2,159 KB

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