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A parable is a comparison of two things, telling us about the one through familiarity with the other. Thirty-plus parables that Jesus gave us are reviewed, plus a few short sayings of His that are also marked as parables, each one having a short and concise summery after it. The parables that Jesus gave us can be categorized as teaching parables, kingdom parables, prophetic and warning parables.
The book orders the parables in a logical teaching progression that they were given to us over the ministry of Jesus, also showing the relevance of why it was given at that time.
We should all become familiar the parables that Jesus gave us. For if the book of Proverbs that Solomon wrote is oftentimes referred to as the book of wisdom. And now a greater one than Solomon is here (Jesus Christ), Matthew 12:42. Therefore, how much greater will be our blessing be, when we understand the parables that Jesus gave us.
The book ends by showing a few parable from the Old Testament, their usage some which are marked parables and some that are not.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 13, 2017
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 128 Pages
  • File Size: 1,955 KB

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