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Set in the Snatchers world, The Girl with the Flying Saucer Eyes tells us the story of Shaun Peterson. After six months into the zombie apocalypse, Shaun is at the end of his tether, mentally drained and hungry. He hasn't seen his wife and kids since the day of the announcement Hiding from the new and horrific world, six months later, Shaun decides to scavenge from his neighbours but with little success. He then comes across a little girl in his garden. She's dead, one of the dead, but being starved of company for months, Shaun decides not to kill her. His life changes a day later when another female turns up, a living one this time, and both get acquainted. Eventually, after meeting up with another survivor, the painful decision of leaving his family home is something that has to be done. But Shaun Peterson leaving his home turns out to be the least of his worries.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 120 Pages
  • File Size: 341 KB

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