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You don't have be an extrovert -- or pretend to be one -- to succeed: "Finally, a book that recognizes the immense value that introverts bring to the workplace." -- Daniel H. Pink, New York Times-bestselling author of The Power of Regret

Business author and international speaker Jennifer Kahnweiler points to Mark Zuckerberg, Arianna Huffington, and Warren Buffett as prime examples of self-identified introverts who have done quite well for themselves. In this new, expanded edition of her pioneering book, she lays out a well-tested four-step strategy introverts can use to build on their quiet strength and make it a source of great power.

The book also includes fresh information on:

• the unique challenges faced by introverted women

• how leaders can shape a more introvert-friendly workplace

• customized hiring and coaching strategies for introverts

• the positive correlation between introverted leadership and company performance

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  • We started tracking this book on October 8, 2017.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 220 Pages
  • File Size: 3,429 KB

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