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50 Meditations on Prayer

We have two primary means of communicating with God -- the Bible and prayer. But what is prayer, really? This book of 50 devotions will help you look at many facets of prayer. Each devotion is centered around prayer and focuses on verses from the Old Testament and the New Testament that speak about prayer. We pray the Holy Spirit would work through these devotions to help you gain a better understanding of prayer and to ignite or deepen your passion to know Him better, resulting in you experiencing a richer more powerful prayer life."

The authors, Shirley Crowder and Harriet E. Michael are lifelong friends whose parents served as missionaries in Nigeria, West Africa. Their friendship has spanned across two continents, numerous states, and many, many years.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 177 Pages
  • File Size: 9,220 KB

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