



*All three books in the series are now available in an omnibus edition under the title THREE MEN IN SPAIN*

ONE MAN IN A VAN is much more than a sequel to the mildly successful travel book THREE MEN IN A VAN, a swiftly penned account of the trip which the author of this present volume, GEOFF CORLESS, took his elderly friends on in the late spring of 2016.

After conveying his bumbling pals back to Britain in one piece, Geoff follows up a seemingly innocent business proposition made by Hugo the Belgian and returns to Gibraltar to collect his faithful camper van Bambi. Thus begins a bizarre mercantile odyssey, the like of which has not been documented since Marco Polo's mission to China and which Geoff relates in flawless prose, never straying from the truth for an instant.

Compared in a forthcoming review by a Booker Prize long-listed author to On the Road, The Motorcycle Diaries of Che Guevara, and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, ONE MAN IN A VAN is a literary landmark which no discerning reader can afford to miss.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." T.S. Eliot
"Living at risk is like jumping off a cliff and building your wings on the way down." Ray Bradbury
"A life without risk is like an apple without the peel. It goes rotten." Geoff Corless

*Publisher's note: Geoff is something of a fantasist and his book differs from the other two in the series in that he tends to let his imagination run riot. Please 'look inside' before purchasing.*

(Now also available: IT'S NOT ABOUT THE VAN, in which Harry relates his further adventures in Bambi with Laura, Jeremy and Geoff.)

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 214 Pages
  • File Size: 1,307 KB

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