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Midnight Valentine


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From USA Today bestselling author J.T. Geissinger comes a passionate, powerful romance about the limitless nature of true love.

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened."

Megan Dunn arrives in Seaside, Oregon a broken woman with a dream: open a B&B like she planned to do with her husband, Cass, whose life was tragically cut short five years ago. But the old Victorian she bought needs extensive renovations and the one man who can help her -- Theo Valentine -- takes an immediate and intense dislike to her.

Left scarred and unable to talk after a terrible accident, the reclusive Theo is a brilliant contractor whose plans to renovate the building Megan bought are eerily similar to her own. As their paths cross again and again and Megan begins to see the man beneath the mystery, a part of her that she thought was lost forever slowly starts to reawaken.

But when she discovers unsettling similarities between Theo and her late husband and strange coincidences begin to mount, Megan is forced to confront everything she believed about her past and decide how far she'll go to get the truth...

And if she's ready for what she'll find when she does.

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  • We started tracking this book on November 13, 2017.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 326 Pages
  • File Size: 2,049 KB

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