



This is a fictional romantic comedy about two people finding true love in a most unusual set of circumstances. Danny, a young widower and father of two begins his search for a new soul mate to share his life. Since he married his high school sweetheart he never really dated before. Actually dating for the first time was an eye opener for him as he finds himself in all kinds of situations that are shocking and strange to him. Christy, a young widow and mother of one, seeks the same. They encounter many situations that go awry where the people they meet turn out to be anything but right for them. After years of frustrating and humorous encounters they temporarily put their search on hold to take a much needed break. Their chance meeting while playing an online game of Texas Hold 'em poker brought them together despite living miles apart and keeping their identities a secret from one another. You'll laugh and cheer at this heartwarming story of how two lonely people find each other.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 188 Pages
  • File Size: 2,715 KB

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