



A missing musician. Canada's frozen north. Can Jason locate Ben Quigley before a deranged fan puts them both permanently on ice?

Jason Davey's last job was aboard the Star Sapphire cruising from Vancouver to Alaska. Now Jason's back on shore, and he has a regular gig at a jazz club in London.

When Dominic, Jason's film-student son, asks his dad to help track down a missing musician for a documentary he's making, Jason leaps at the chance.

Ben Quigley played rhythm guitar in Jason's parents' folk group Figgis Green in the late 1960s. And he dropped off the face of the earth four years ago.

Jason's search ultimately takes him to Peace River, Alberta - 300 miles from Edmonton in Canada's frozen north. And what he discovers there is both intriguing - and disturbing.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 104 Pages
  • File Size: 731 KB

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