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"My mom's dead, my dad wishes I was, and I'm being chased by a supernatural dirtbag... doin' great, thanks."

Maggie Meredith Muntin has avoided most of life's trials and tedium by immersing herself (she would admit to hiding) in her art. However, in some ways this has paid off. At only seventeen, she has managed to save up enough money to spread her wings and leave behind her severely unwelcoming proverbial nest.

With funds provided by her drawings, Maggie sets off in search of greener pastures. But can they be found when an obsessed supernatural stranger is tracking her every move? Not likely, but see for yourself in not gonna die in the dark: episode 1 the first installment in a serialized tale of the supernatural.

This novella in the not gonna die in the dark series is over one hundred pages and includes more than 30 black and white rendered illustrations.

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  • We started tracking this book on May 8, 2018.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 136 Pages
  • File Size: 17,022 KB

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