



Country music, Graceland, the Grand Ole Opry, tobacco fields, and fabulous down-home southern food aren't the only things that Tennessee is famous for. They also have a deep rich history of possessing some of the most spine tingling haunted mansions, plantations, historical buildings, and highways in the south. Jonesborough, Tennessee is the oldest town in the state and one of the top ten most haunted towns in the United States. When staying in the Delta Queen's room 109, passengers have claimed to have been woke up by someone whispering in their ear. One very active ghost is known to slam doors to get the attention of crew members when they try to ignore her requests. Crew members sometimes receive calls in the middle of the night that come from cabin 109.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 14 Pages
  • File Size: 3,313 KB

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