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The Drifting Gloom: A Paranormal Mystery (Maddy Wimsey Book 2)

by , (Rain Press)

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Magical forces don't always play nice. In fact, they can be downright evil.

Life is going fairly well for Detective Maddy Wimsey. At thirty-five, she's an accomplished detective, practicing Wiccan, has a wonderful relationship with her long-time boyfriend, and finds herself on a much-needed vacation after dealing with a cursed gem.

Alas, her break doesn't last long. Something dark, evil, and amorphous seems to have a vendetta against her coven. With it around, the last thing Maddy needs is for her day job to get in the way, but a new murder case lands right in her lap at the worst possible time.

Luckily, Maddy Wimsey is no ordinary detective, and the hunt is on to catch a serial killer, even as the creeping shadow threatens to consume everything and everyone she loves...
The Drifting Gloom is the second book in the Maddy Wimsey series of supernatural mysteries, perfect for fans of Laurell K. Hamilton, L.T. Ryan, and Jim Butcher.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: March 27, 2018
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 344 Pages
  • File Size: 3,259 KB

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