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Between the Shade and the Shadow

by (The Realmless, LLC)

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In the deep heart of the forest, there are places where no light ever shines, where darkness is folded by pale hands and jewel-bright eyes, where the world is ruled by the wicked and kept by the wraiths. This is where the Sprites of the Sihl live.
But Sprites are not born, they are made. On the path to Spritehood, spritelings must first become shades. They do so by binding a shadow: a woodland creature, who guides them through their training. Together, they keep from the light and learn to enchant living things, to bind them, and, eventually, to kill them.
Yet, not all spritelings are born with malice -- they must earn it or they are condemned. What happens then to the spriteling who finds a shadow where she shouldn't? What happens if that particular spriteling wasn't born with malice at all?
Ahraia was that spriteling. She ran too close to the light and bound herself to a wolf, a more powerful shadow than any that came before it. Now a shade, her shadow marks her for greatness. But a test is coming, and the further they wander out of the darkness, the deeper they wander into danger. Ahraia's time is coming and what awaits her at the end of her test will either make her or kill her...

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: June 21, 2018
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 460 Pages
  • File Size: 2,315 KB

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