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When you put the past behind you, but the past won't leave you behind...

Laura and Jack Harrington are the archetypal career couple. Good-looking and hard-working with a great life outside working hours. They live in a trendy flat and look forward to starting a family.

But Laura is still haunted by her 'dark days' - memories of being bullied by a girl at school. She is finding it hard to conceive and fears this is the result of the illness that followed her traumatic experience as a teenager.

As Laura fights to deal with her emotions, Jack throws himself into his work, having just landed himself a new job. When his new personal assistant arrives, he is relieved to find HR have found someone just as efficient as his previous one.

He has no idea how much effort she had gone to, to become Jack Harrington's PA, who she really is and what she has planned... This tale of human weakness and revenge is an edge-of-your-seat story and will have readers racing through the pages right to the end.

Praise for I Want Never Gets:
"A compelling page turner. Written with wit and insight" - Shelley Weiner, Novelist, writer and journalist
"An exciting debut novel, chilling and disturbing. I loved it" - Toby Walne, Mail on Sunday

Tracey Waples worked as a journalist before writing her first novel, I Want Never Gets. She is married with two children.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: June 15, 2018
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 347 Pages
  • File Size: 1,251 KB

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