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One True Mate 1: Shifter's Sacrifice


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An all wolf-shifter police force has been the only thing between humans and an unknown evil for centuries, but the pack is in danger of dying if they don't find their promised mates soon.

Trevor Burbank is a shifter cop in a world of humans who don't know the evil that wants them dead. If he does his job well, the humans will never need to know, but he feels like he's working against the clock, because his pack is about to die. The females have all been killed, and the half-breeds they make when they mate with humans aren't skilled or strong enough to fight.

Gabriela Carmi has lost everything that means anything to her way too fast and now she feels like she's losing her mind, too. On a quest to find something that won't reveal itself to her, she feels as if she's pining for someone who may not exist, so when an evil presence begins to follow her, she isn't sure if her mind is slowly falling apart, or if the impossible is actually coming true. When an instant attraction sparks between her and the dangerously sexy police officer sent to help her, it makes matters worse and better at the same time.

It's a race against time to find the angel/human hybrid One True Mates that the pack's spiritual leaders say truly exist. Saving the shifter clans is on everyone's mind, except for the chosen, the One True Mates, most of whom don't even know who or what they really are, or why they seem to be slowly losing their minds.

You've NEVER read a shifter romance, or a fated mates romance like this before.

This is a republication of One True Mate 1, after a rights reversion back to Lisa Ladew.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 319 Pages
  • File Size: 3,066 KB

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