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Something stirs in the murk of the Volga River, something big, emerging at night to sow mayhem and death along the banks...
And since intrepid reporter Solstice Winters is already stranded at ground zero, she agrees to help, even though coping with giant lizards is far from her skill set as a writer for a paranormal tabloid.

Solstice soon realizes she's tracking a beast the likes of which none of her father's books have mentioned, a creature unique to Russia that her magic lacks the strength to kill.

To make matters worse, the Federal Security Bureau sticks their noses into the mix.

And while hunting the dangerous creature, she awakens a forgotten power in the depths of the river that has the potential to alter the course of human history... and not for the better.

Containment is the second book in the Winter Solstice series of supernatural mysteries. This series is packed with magic, humor, evil cultists, romance, and epic battles. It also has a talking cat.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 257 Pages
  • File Size: 2,211 KB

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