



The magnificent landscape and beauty of the natural landmark, The Grand Canyon, is indescribable with its unique geological rock formations, archaeological discoveries, abundant wildlife species of animals and plants, monumental hiking trails and exciting river rafting expeditions. This natural phenomenon is attributed to historical mysteries and remarkable theories, one of them being the possible existence of a mysterious ancient lost civilization of giants, a subterranean city in the caves of the Canyon with Egyptian mummies and treasures. It would suggest that this race of giants would have preceded the Native American cultures of the region. Native Americans such as the Hopi have legends that describe Pre-Columbian visitation, forming advanced civilizations of Egyptian , Indian , and other unknown cultures.

This book is an introduction into the Grand Canyon's origins, historical explorations, a detailed version of the G.E. Kincaid/ S.A. Jordan expedition, conspiracy theories , proposed cover up by the Smithsonian Institute, and the global discoveries of ancients giants existence. It is a quest to address these revelations to attain knowledge to determine whether evidence was suppressed, destroyed, or hidden through a pattern of secrecy, to search for the true history of mankind.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 29 Pages
  • File Size: 3,075 KB

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