



Growing up, I remember always clinging to the men in my life in search of understanding who I was. My parents divorced when I was at a very young age, creating a lot of unsolved question and disappointment. I wrote a poem when I was about eleven-years-old titled Come Home Daddy, and in 2013 I decided to make it into a children's book. This children's book is meant to advocate for the presence of black fathers in young black boy's lives. In the story, it talks about how I would see black men everywhere I go correlating them to being my dad. The story concludes how I see my dad everywhere except for home and my goal is to change that for other black boys like myself searching for answers only a father could give.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 14 Pages
  • File Size: 5,952 KB

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