



If you are looking for an opportunity to create a profitable business in less time compared to most traditional businesses then keep reading...
Being a freight broker can be a lucrative and fulfilling career. It is possible to easily make over $100,000 a year if one plays their cards right. This billion dollar industry has been seeing a steady growth of 6-12% per year so you should consider claiming your piece of the pie now.

But without a roadmap, the process of starting a freight broker business can seem complicated and can also lead to pitfalls which could easily have been avoided with the right knowledge.

You see, most people who are looking to start a freight broker business make the same mistakes - with both their planning and execution.

They might not even be profitable... without ever realizing why.

But now, you can stay informed with insider tips, usually only known to the best freight brokers, which will maximize your chances of freedom and making good profits in less time compared to trying to figure out everything yourself.

This new book will teach you about getting your license from the Department of Transport and where to apply for a bond, how to set up your own firm, where to find paying clients and much, much more.

Freight Broker Business Startup: The Ultimate Guide to Starting and Running a Trucking Freight Brokerage Business, includes:

• A simple guide on how to start your own freight broker business from A-Z

• The Role and Responsibilities of a Freight Broker

• Licensing and Business Registration

• Mistakes to Avoid

• Secret Tips and Advice for Your Freight Broker Firm

• Marketing and Finding Clients

• Tips for Becoming a Successful Freight Broker

• A Bonus Chapter on Using Social Media to Grow Your Freight Broking Business

• And much, much more

So if you want to start your own freight broker business the right way, click "buy now"!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 24, 2018
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 94 Pages
  • File Size: 2,370 KB

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