



How leaders can achieve something meaningful -- transform a brand, a workplace, a technology, themselves -- beyond holding an influential position.

Do you want to do work that is worthy of your time and talent? Do you want to make your mark on your industry, company, or within your community? Are you satisfied with the fact that reengineering, quality improvements, and other changes never really make a lasting impact? Then you need to go beyond the techniques of improvement and learn the skills that it takes to be extraordinary. The power to be extraordinary is not one we are born with. Rather, it is a power that one can learn, and Tracy Goss helps executives realize this power. Here in this book for the first time, Goss makes her coursework available to the general reader.

Goss's unique methodology shows how you how you can "put at risk the success you've become for the power of making the impossible happen." She positions executives to take on the future that they dream about. She teaches how to behave differently so that you are free of past constraints. She shows how you can be at home in the environment in which you are constantly surrounded by threats, and how to transcend the ordinary to make the impossible happen. Her work has resulted in many important life changes and organizational reinventions worldwide.

"Goss offers powerful information, far above the glib self-help mush that already lines the shelves. She answers the fundamental question of why management fads do not work: the personal work has not yet been done." -- Library Journal

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  • We started tracking this book on October 19, 2018.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 283 Pages
  • File Size: 3,101 KB

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