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Ménage à Moi


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Hi, I'm Jamie, and I'm just a normal girl, you know.
Scott, that's my hubby, he works at the yard. He breaks cars and bikes, and sometimes fixes them up.
Charles, that's hubby's best buddy, also works at the yard. Charles is the boss man. He owns the place. Charles also breaks cars and bikes, and sometimes fixes them up.
Me? Lil old Jamie, I also work at the yard. If you could call it work. I sweep up, make coffee, run for burgers at lunchtime, that kinda thing. But most of the time I get to watch the boys at work.
It's the forearms that do me in. Muscles on top of muscles, tensing as they rip panels away. Veins like cords as wrenches are twisted, nuts tightened.
Two hot guys and one way too horny chick.
What could possibly go wrong?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 133 Pages
  • File Size: 1,120 KB

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