Steaming Volume Three: King Paul's Big, Nasty, Unofficial Book of Reactor and Engineering Memories (The King Paul Series 3)
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Wow! You're on your third book! Hopefully, you're watch supervisor qualified by now, or at least making an earnest effort to get a qual card blazed off. Head back down the plant, gents. We've got more maritime memories to relive. The good news is this next volume is better than the previous two. That's a real no shitter!
This book contains letters received between June 26, 2003 and March 29, 2004. The KP Site was the most popular navy nuke site on the internet by then. Thousands of ex-nukes and engineers were lurking, and many were gleefully sending in raunchy recollections. It should be obvious to all that the site was no longer just for Big E squids. Rickover propulsion plant protégées from every ship in the nuclear fleet were there, adding to the mayhem. The Ike Bites contingent was probably the second most-dominant group. I probably should have added an Ike logo to the cover.
Enjoy Volume 3!
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