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Livia Andersen wanted so much for her family... now finally at Christmas her children are finding their way.

Livia Andersen was a woman who held her family together with a quiet smile and an iron will. It has been over a year since her death and her children and the many grandchildren she leaves behind continue to grapple with the shifting changes in their lives. Her absence is still deeply felt by each member of the Andersen Family.

Two of Livia's children have experienced more than their share of change and turmoil in their lives since her death. Her oldest son learned of a carefully guarded secret that his mother had kept from him for years. Her oldest daughter has found happiness but not in the way that Livia would have imagined.

Yet as Christmas approaches and the Andersen family plans a holiday family reunion, those same two siblings who haven't always seen things the same way prepare to spend the holidays together for the first time since they were teenagers. And despite their concerns they each find that regardless of the discord that has taken place between them over the years, there is one constant that never changes. The strength of their family.

And though they all struggle to enjoy the holiday family reunion, none of the siblings and grandchildren have to be reminded this Christmas celebration is yet another first to be spent without the woman whose memory is with each of them on this first Christmas without her.

The Andersen Family Saga series is a story of family life and old fashioned values. It is a story about joy and loss, hope and sorrow, betrayal and regrets, unconditional forgiveness, high expectations, and unwavering loyalty. It reminds that at the heart of who we are is the family we come from, the family who stands behind and beside us and at times against us. And who we become isn't just a result of those still with us, but those too that we've lost along the way. It is about the twist and turns every family deals with, the conflicts from within, humorous moments that come out of nowhere, and the never ending desire for acceptance and respect.

If you enjoy heartwarming women's fiction, wholesome second chance romance, family sagas, dueling sibling loyalty and rivalry, and older heroines and heroes who are lovable, stubborn, strong, and sometimes quirky, the Andersen Family Saga may be the series for you.

Christmas is the twenty-second book in the ongoing Andersen Family Saga. Other books in the Andersen Family Saga include Betrayal - Book 1, Resolute - Book 2, Broken - Book 3, Found - Book 4, Choices - Book 5, Regrets - Book 6, Remember - Book 7, Forgiven - Book 8, Truths - Book 9, Always - Book 10, Expectations - Book 11, Decisions - Book 12, Disillusioned - Book 13, Believe - Book 14, Relentless - Book 15, Everlasting - Book 16, Enduring - Book 17, Treasured - Book 18, Determined - Book 19, Chances - Book 20, and Secrets - Book 21.

The Andersen Family Saga is a series of novella short stories, classified by Amazon as Short Reads. If you love sitting down with a novella style book you will enjoy the Andersen Family Saga series.

Perfect for Fans of:

• Sweet and emotional Women's Fiction, Later in Life Romance with older heroines and heroes.

• Charming small town Christmas stories.

• Feel good stories about family life with its humorous moments and not so humorous moments.

Enjoy these other Romance and Christmas stories anytime of the year... all Clean and Wholesome stories of love and family.

Her Letter - ASIN: B01LYL4DJR
Home Again for Christmas (Return to Summit Falls series) - ASIN: B01M0QO92R
A Christmas Dinner on Marshall Street (Hills of Burlington series) - ASIN: B01L9K4D0M
The Last Christmas Ornament - ASIN: B0158TERQ0
Sanctuary of Us - ASIN: B0787RMBDW

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 47 Pages
  • File Size: 2,774 KB

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