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He Promised Me


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Promises... Defined as a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or a particular thing will happen. We've all heard promises throughout our lives and experienced the heartache that follows when those promises are unfulfilled. This is especially true in the case of Myla Baxter. Once a wealthy child from a good family, Myla learned early on that most promises were meant to be broken. After watching her father murder her mother then kill himself, Myla found out she couldn't trust anyone's word. The only solid person in her life was her aunt Mena and even her word was shaky at best. So Myla goes through life trying not to rely on the word of others but still gets caught in a web of lies. Man after man enters her life and just like the promises in the past, they break their bond and her heart in the process. Then Ace comes along and she thinks her luck has changed. After inherting millions from her parents she starts a life with him and finds he offers more promises that are unkept. Ace doesn't know that he's dealing with someone on the brink of insanity. After being finessed out of all of her money and finding her aunt is missing, Myla sets out to make everyone who lied to her live up to their word. Violence, lies, secrets, and even murder seems to be Myla's only way out. Soon she has to face the same demon her father did in this gory tale... He promised Me.

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  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • File Size: 3,368 KB

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