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We are Voulhire: The Fires of Virko


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"The only discipline the people of Virko observed was industry."

The physical world, where Voulhire resides, represents a powerful element of the human being. But as the kingdom stands on the brink of a new era, the darker side of another world awaits its opportunity to demonstrate its power. This darkness is poised in the heart of Voulhire's technological spearhead, the industrial city of Virko, where smokestacks climb hundreds of feet into the sky as ash falls like black snow onto every street.

Meanwhile, many people in the city wish to ascend and lead Voulhire not only in technology, but toward a more enlightened form of government. The sickly lord and founder of this great city has taken charge of this cause to replace feudalism with capitalism. But the sickly lord's son has plans of his own. In the midst of this turbulent transition, Galen, who is still finding his place in Voulhire, arrives to Virko, as an opportunity to serve his country is calling from the incredibly successful city. But not all the people of Virko are accustomed to give without receiving, and it may just be that the price for bringing a kingdom into a new age is more than that kingdom can afford.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 243 Pages
  • File Size: 1,671 KB

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